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Heber, Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India. Band 2.

€ 150,-- 

Heber, Reginald: Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824–1825 (with notes upon Ceylon). An account of a journey to Madras and the southern provinces, 1928; and letters written in India. Band 2 (von 3) / Volume 2 (of 3). Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Carey, 1829. 8°. 20,5 x 12 cm. 402 Seiten. Halbleinenband mit papiernem Rückenschildchen.

Englischsprachige Ausgabe. Unbeschnittenes Exemplar. Vorderdeckel fast komplett lose, privater Zifferneintrag und eingeklebtes Papierschildchen „Presented by R. C. Canby“ auf vorderem Innendeckel. Blätter etwas stockfleckig, Vorsätze sowie die ersten und letzten 3 Blätter stärker stockfleckig. Noch gutes Exemplar. English language edition. Edges still uncut. Half cloth binding with paper label on spine. Front cover almost completely loosened, private number inscription and paper label „Presented by R. C. Canby“ on inner cover. Sheets partly foxy, endpapers and the first 3 as well as the last 3 sheets significantly foxy. Still good copy.

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