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Finlayson, The Newsmongers. 1769. [Original-Aquatinta / original aquatint].

€ 220,-- 

Finlayson, John: The Newsmongers. 1769. [Original-Aquatinta / original aquatint]. John Finlayson, geboren 1730, gestorben 1774.

Original-Aquatinta von John Finlayson nach John Donaldson. Unter dem Stich typografisch beschriftet: The Newsmongers. I saw a Smith stand with his hammer, thus The Whilst his iron did on the anvil cool, With open mouth swallowing a taylor’s news; King John Act 4th, Scene 2d. Donaldson delin! Published May 1.1769. J. Finlayson fec. Maße Blatt: 38,5 x 48,0 cm. Maße Abbildung/Plate: 35,5 x 45,0 cm. Sehr gutes Exemplar.
Original aquatint by John Finlayson after John Donaldson. Labeled typographically below the engraving. Measure sheet: 38,5 x 48,0 cm. Measure plate/image: 35,5 x 45,0 cm. Fine condition.

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