Epictetus: Epictetus, his Morals, with Simplicius, his Comment. London, 1700
€ 180,--
Epictetus (Epiktet): Epictetus, his Morals, with Simplicius, his Comment. Made English from the Greek, by George Stanhope. The Second Edition Corrected, with the Addition of the Life of Epictetus from the French of Monsieur Boileau. London, Printed for Richard Sare, 1700. 8°. 19,5 x 12,5 cm. [8] Blätter, xli, (7) 432 (8) Seiten. Halblederband mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel auf rotem Lederschildchen, marmoriertem Bezugspapier und rotem Schnitt.