Wir kaufen jederzeit antiquarische Bücher, seien es interessante Einzelstücke oder auch ganze Bibliotheken, Sammlungen und Nachlässe.

Antiquariat Lenzen in Düsseldorf, Bücher mit Schwerpunkt Literatur, Kunst, Fotografie, Wissenschaften sowie Grafik und Originalfotografie.



Marcus, The traffic in culture.

€ 28,-- 

Marcus, George E. und Myers, Fred R. [Hrsg.]: The traffic in culture. Refiguring art and anthropology. Berkeley, University of California Press, [1995]. Groß-8°. 23 cm. IX, 380 Seiten. Original-Broschur.


Robbins, The transportation of place.

€ 28,-- 

Robbins, Andrea und Becher, Max: The transportation of place. Essays by Maurice Berger and Lucy R. Lippard. New York, aperture, 2006. Quer-4°. 27 x 31 cm. 155 Seiten. Original-Pappband. Original-Schutzumschlag.


Petrova, The Traugot family.

€ 28,-- 

Petrova, Evgenia; Kiblitsky, Joseph [Hrsg.]: The Traugot family. Georgy Traugot, Vera Yanova, Alexander Traugot, Valery Traugot. St. Petersburg, Bad Breisig, Palace Edition, 2012. 4°. 32 cm. 215 Seiten. Original-Pappband. Original-Schutzumschlag.


Maunder, The treasury of natural history or popular dictonary of zoology.

€ 38,-- 

Maunder, Samuel: The Treasury of Natural History or A Popular Dictonary of Zoology. In which the characteristics that distinguish the different classes, genera, and species, are combined with a variety of interesting information, illustrative of the habits, instincts, and general economy of the animal kingdom. Embellished with 900 woodcuts expressly engrabed for this book. London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1869. Klein-8°. 16,5 x 13 cm. Vortitel, Frontispiz, Titelblatt, XVII, 798 Seiten. Neuer Halblederband mit älterem goldgeprägtem Rückenschildchen und marmoriertem Schnitt.

Chinard, The treaties of 1778 and allied documents.

€ 20,-- 

Chinard, Gilbert (Hrsg.): The treaties of 1778 and allied documents. With an introduction by James Brown Scott. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1928. Lexikon-8°. 27 x 19,5 cm. XXV, 70 Seiten. Original-Halbleinenband. (= Historical documents / Institut français de Washington, Band 1).


Jefferson, The Treaty of Amity and Commerce. [Faksimile.]

€ 300,-- 

Jefferson, Thomas; Franklin, Benjamin; Adams, John: The Treaty of Amity and Commerce between His Majesty the King of Prussia, and the United States of America, September 10th, 1785. Ohne Verlagsangabe, o.J. 4°. 31 cm. (3) 42 (3) Blatt. Roter Original-Ganzlederband mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel.


Grotius, The truth of the Christian religion.

€ 350,-- 

Grotius, Hugo: The truth of the Christian religion. In six books by Hugo Grotius. Corrected and illustrated with notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. To which is added, a seventh book, concerning this question, what Christian church we ought to join our-selves to. By the said Mr. Le Clerc. The fourth edition, with additions: Particularly one whole Book of Mr. Le Clerc’s, Against Indifference of what Religion a Man is of. Done into English by John Clarke. London, Verlag John and Paul Knapton, 1743. 8°. 20 x 13 cm. [16] Blatt, 350 Seiten, [1] Blatt. Lederband der Zeit auf 5 Bünden mit Rücken- und Deckelfileten und rotem Sprengschnitt.


Baselitz, The Turning Point - Paintings 1969 - 71.

€ 28,-- 

Baselitz, Georg: The Turning Point – Paintings 1969 – 71. New York, Gagosian Gallery, 2004. 4°. 31 x 26 cm. 72 (6) Seiten. Grüner Original-Leinenband.


Modigliani, The unknown Modigliani.

€ 30,-- 

Modigliani, Amedeo – Alexandre, Noel: The unknown Modigliani. Drawings from the collection of Paul Alexandre. Unpublished papers, documents and drawings from the former collection of Paul Alexandre. New York, Harry N. Abrams/Fonds Mercator, 1993. 4°. 33,5 x 25,5 cm. 463 Seiten. Original-Leinenband mit Original-Schutzumschlag.


The Unloved - Ellen Harvey.

€ 18,-- 

Harvey, Ellen – Rosebrock, Tessa und Demeyer, Filip L.: The Unloved – Ellen Harvey. Tessa Rosebrock, Filip L. Demeyer. With contributions by Nav Haq, Till-Holger Borchert, Hubert De Witte. Veurne, Hannibal Verlag, 2014. 4°. 30 cm. 131 Seiten. Original-Pappband.

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Wir kaufen jederzeit antiquarische Bücher, seien es interessante Einzelstücke oder auch ganze Bibliotheken, Sammlungen und Nachlässe.

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