

Gorini, Work with taste.

€ 20,-- 

Gorini, Marco: Work with taste. Strato ABC by Marco Gorini. A collection by Marco Gorini balanced between sculpture and architecture. Mantova, Strato/Maurizio Corraini, 2002. 4°. 26 cm. 86 Seiten. Original-Halbleinenband mit Original-Schutzumschlag. Als Blockbuch gebunden.


Dorrans Saeks, Jean-Louis Deniot. Interiors.

€ 40,-- 

Dorrans Saeks, Diane: Jean-Louis Deniot. Interiors. Photography by Xavier Bejot. Art direction by Paul McKevitt, Subtitle. New York, Rizzoli, 2017. 4°. 28,5 cm. 288 Seiten. Original-Pappband. Original-Schutzumschlag.


Rossum-Willems, PowerShop 2: New retail design. 2 Bände (komplett).

€ 100,-- 

Rossum-Willems, Marlous van und Schultz, Sarah: PowerShop 2: New retail design. 2 Bände (komplett). Band 1: Fashion. Band 2: Anything but fashion. Amsterdam/Berlin, Frame Publishers/Gestalten, 2009. 4°. 33 cm. 320 und 314 Seiten. Original-Pappbände. Im Original-Schuber.


Haiwen, Classical Huangpu.

€ 320,-- 

Xiaochu, Shen; Haiwen, Chen [Hrsg.]: Classical Huangpu. The Heritage Architectures of Huangpu District, Shanghai. Shanghai Culture Publishing House, 2006. Quer-4°. 30 x 37,5 cm. 339 Seiten. Original-Leinenband mit Original-Schutzumschlag im Original-Pappschuber.


Basehart, Italiens Villen & Paläste.

€ 25,-- 

Toledano, Ralph; Schezen, Roberto; Basehart, Jack [Hrsg.]: Italiens Villen & Paläste. München, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1990. 4°. 31 cm. 418 Seiten. Original-Leinenband.


Grimshaw, New London Style. Fotos von Ingrid Rasmussen.

€ 18,-- 

Grimshaw, Chloe: New London Style. Fotos von Ingrid Rasmussen. München, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2009. 4°. 26 cm. 224 Seiten. Original-Pappband. Original-Schutzumschlag.


Palladio, The four books of architecture.

€ 25,-- 

Palladio, Andrea: The four books of architecture. With a new introduction by Adolf K. Placzek. New York, Dover Publications, 1965. 4°. 33 cm. Getrennte Zählung. Original-Broschur.


Hood, Year Book of the Architectural league of New York and catalogue of the For

€ 45,-- 

Hood, Raymond M.; u. a.: Year Book of the Architectural league of New York and catalogue of the Forty-Seventh Annual Exhibition 1930. New York, Architectural League of New York, 1930. 4°. 32 cm 320 Seiten, 1 Blatt. Original-Halbleinenband.


Hood, Year Book of the Architectural league of New York and catalogue of the For

€ 48,-- 

Hood, Raymond M.; u. a.: Year Book of the Architectural league of New York and catalogue of the Forty-Sixth Annual Exhibition 1931. New York, Architectural League of New York, 1931. 4°. 32 cm. 306 (1) Seiten. Original-Halbleinenband.


Levi, Year Book of the Architectural league of New York and catalogue of the For

€ 45,-- 

Levi, Julian Clarence; u. a.: Year Book of the Architectural league of New York and catalogue of the Forty-Seventh Annual Exhibition 1932. New York, Architectural League of New York, 1932. 4°. 32 cm. 174 (1) Seiten. Original-Halbleinenband.

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