Amerika, USA / America, USA


Adams, To make it home. Aperture, 1989.

€ 58,-- 

Adams, Robert: To make it home. Photographs of the American West. 1965-1986. New York, Aperture Foundation, 1989. 4°. 30 x 27 cm. [175] Seiten. Original-Leinenband mit Original-Schutzumschlag. (An Aperture Book).


Baseball as America.

€ 24,-- 

Baseball as America. Seeing Ourselves Through Our National Game. Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society, 2002. Groß-8°. 28,5 x 24,5 cm. 320 Seiten. Original-Kunstlederband mit Original-Schutzumschlag.


Boeck, Die Westindienfahrt des Prinzen Heinrich von Preußen.

€ 38,-- 

Boeck, C. v. d.: Die Westindienfahrt des Prinzen Heinrich von Preußen. Original-Erzählung für die Jugend. Leipzig, Otto Drewitz Nachf., o.J. 8°. 22 cm. 220 Seiten. Illustrierter Original-Leinenband.


Brown, The Frontier Years. L. A. Huffman. Photographer of the Plains.

€ 30,-- 

Brown, Mark H.; Felton, W. R.: The Frontier Years. L. A. Huffman. Photographer of the Plains. New York, Bramhall House, 1955. 4°. 272 Seiten. Original-Halbleinenband.


Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607-1660. A Comprehensive Listing Compi

€ 28,-- 

Coldham, Peter Wilson: The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607-1660. A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English Records of Those Who Took Ship to the Americas for Political, Religious, and Economic Reasons, of Those Who Were Deported for vagrancy, Roguery, or Non-Conformity; and of Those Who Were Sold to labour in the New Colonies. Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing, 1998. Groß-8°. XVIII, 600 Seiten. Original-Leinenband. Goldgeprägter Rücken- und Deckeltitel.


Downs, American furniture. Queen Anne and Chippendale periods (1725-1788)...

€ 30,-- 

Downs, Joseph: American furniture. Queen Anne and Chippendale periods (1725-1788) in the Henry Francis DuPont Winterthur Museum. A Winterthur Book by Joseph Downs. Foreword by Henry Francis du Pont. New York, Bonanza Books, Ohne Jahr, 4°. 31,5 cm. XLVI Seiten, 401 Abbildungen auf Tafeln, 9 Seiten Register. Original-Halbleinenband mit Original-Schutzumschlag. A Winterthur book.


Haas, L´Amerique.

€ 48,-- 

Haas, Ernst: L´Amerique. Photographiee per Ernst Haas. [Geneve], Edita/Denoel, 1975. Quer-4°. 24 x 34,5 cm. 143 Seiten. Original-Leinenband mit Original-Schutzumschlag und transparentem Schutzumschlag.


Kittel, The final cut: Route 66.

€ 25,-- 

Kittel, Gerd; Langer, Freddy; Koetzle, Michael: The final cut: Route 66. Texte Freddy Langer, Michael Koetzle. München, Knesebeck Verlag, 2000. 4°. 29 cm. 176 Seiten. Original-Pappband. Original-Schutzumschlag.


Robbins, The transportation of place.

€ 28,-- 

Robbins, Andrea und Becher, Max: The transportation of place. Essays by Maurice Berger and Lucy R. Lippard. New York, aperture, 2006. Quer-4°. 27 x 31 cm. 155 Seiten. Original-Pappband. Original-Schutzumschlag.


Robertson, The history of the discovery and settlement of America.

€ 48,-- 

Robertson, William: The history of the discovery and settlement of America. London, Jones & Company, 1828. 8°. 22 cm. XVI, 393 Seiten. Halblederband der Zeit mit neueren Rückenschildchen.

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